How to shop?
Select goods
First you have to choose the goods you would like to buy. You can select a product by clicking on one of the categories in the main menu (Natural cosmetics, Teas and herbal mixtures...), then you can either directly click on the "Add to basket" button for the selected product, or click on the image to view the details of the product. In the details of the product, you can again click on the "Add to basket" button.
Shopping cart
After clicking on "Add to basket", the desired goods will be added to your "shopping basket". There is nothing binding for you at the moment.
If you are interested in other goods
If you are interested in more items, please click the "Back to Shopping" button. This will take you back to the page where you interrupted your purchase (where you were last) and you can continue to select and order other goods again in the same way, i.e. by clicking the "Add to cart" button. With this procedure, every other item selected by you will be added to the "shopping basket".
How to checkout
If you no longer want any more items and are in the "shopping cart", check the count for each item. In case you want to change the desired quantity from an item in the basket, you can increase the number using the up and down arrows, which you will find next to the number of pieces.
After performing this step, you can check that your Price has changed according to the changed number of the required quantity. If you change your mind that you don't want any of the products in the shopping cart, just click on the cross at the end of the line to the right of the product you don't want to buy now. It will then be removed. Still nothing binding.
Shipping and payment
If you now agree with the contents of your "shopping cart" and wish to order the goods, click the "Proceed to shipping" button. This will take you to the "Shipping and Payment" page. Here you can choose type of transport, which works for your country.
Delivery information and order completion
Now all you have to do is enter your address (or a note), agree to the "Business Terms" and press the "Complete order" button. This will be sent to our system and thus become binding for both parties.
You can use the registration option, which remembers the data you entered and saves you time during your next purchase.